Monday, September 29, 2008

My First Older Woman

No, this is not going to be about what you think it is. Well, not only that...

I had some rather odd dreams last night, actually more like a night terror. I have noticed that I get them if I try and take anything (like Restoril, etc) to help me sleep when the steroids are keeping me up. You think I'd have figured it out by now. Four different attempts with sleepers and four night terrors. Sheesh. Easier to just stay up all night.

So during the wee hours of Sunday morning while I was being annoyed and wallowing a bit I ended up thinking about my first "older woman". Now, before you go and get worried, realize that we are talking about a boyhood crush here. Nothing else. Just a kid of about 10 years old trying to act like a grown up (at least, I thought so at the time) and be a "big boy". Of course, at 10 that means that you show your affection in rather playful ways, and tend to end up causing a bit of a stir now and then.

My first memories of this older woman are of a tall, blazing-red haired, pale woman with an easy smile and laugh who obviously adored and doted on my mother and father. Of course she also adored all of us children and spoiled us rotten.

I remember one night, around Christmas--maybe even after Christmas dinner--when this woman taught me that it is not appropriate to playfully slap a woman on her posterior. Especially not when she is old enough to be your mother!

I remember sneaking into her room one afternoon and putting "cigarette loads" into every single cigarette of hers that I could get my hands on. (For those of you who don't remember, cigarette loads were about 0.5cm long and the diameter of a toothpick. You stuffed them into a cigarette and they would explode when the cigarette was lit). Needless to say, that evening there were a few explosions; some chemical and some emotional. I sure got my butt tanned for that one...

Above all, I remember spending time with a friend. One of the first adults that I thought listened to my childish but oh so important opinions on anything.

I remember a woman who cared for us all; smooth as silk, tough as nails, and always willing to stand up for what she believed. No wonder she became a nurse.

These days her hair is a mite bit whiter--heck, mine is grayer--and she seems much shorter, but she is still my first "older woman" whom I will always love and cherish.

So where am I going with this? Both of us were in the hospital last week; but while I came home, my aunt is still in the hospital in Dublin. Aunt Noelle, I just want you to know that we are all pulling for you, we wish you well, and we miss you terribly. Get well soon and God Bless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
