Thursday, September 18, 2008

Post-Op In RWC

And rather bored. But that is a good thing! Being able to be bored that is!

Went in to the OR at around 1:15 today, and was awake by 2:50 and back into the Recovery Room by 3:00 pm. One of the nurses showed me the tumor that they removed. Looks pretty tiny to have caused all of this fuss. According to the OR crew I wake up fast and happy. Their favorite type of patient.

Best part of the whole experience was getting the chance to touch base with an old school mate. Sandra and I came up through the Nursing Program together--from the pre-requisites through to graduation--and then went on to start our first "real" jobs in the same ED New Graduate program. That was a nice way to spend the waiting time, and Sandra has always been one of the sweetest people that I know.

Well, settling in now. Think I'll read for awhile and wait for dinner. Thanks to all for the thoughts and prayers.

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